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BCAA, Amino Acides and sport

Amino acids are classified according to whether or not they can be synthesised by the body. Non-essential amino acids are synthesised by the body in contrast to essential amino acids. The latter can be provided by taking supplements. Their rapid assimilation helps to provide energy to the body, contributes to the maintenance and growth of muscles, to the good maintenance of the immune system and favours a better recovery. Amino acids are the ideal supplements to help you achieve your goals.

Amino acids, what are they?

Amino acids are part of our body's protein composition and are essential for our body to function properly. They can also be found in most protein powder compositions. There are about 100 amino acids, but only 20 of them make up the body's proteins. They are called proteinogenic amino acids.

They are also found in most protein powder compositions.

There are two kinds of amino acids: essential and non-essential. The difference between the two lies in the body's ability to synthesise them or not. Our body is capable of synthesising the non-essential ones. Conversely, the body is naturally unable to synthesise the essential amino acids, so it is important to ensure that the body receives them. A rich and varied diet provides enough amino acids to the body.

What do amino acids and sport have to do with each other?

Amino acids play a crucial role in sports performance, over and above simple muscle regeneration. They are involved in the synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters, influencing mood and concentration during exercise. This ability to improve mental concentration is essential, especially in sports requiring great precision or complex strategy.

In addition, certain amino acids, such as leucine, are particularly effective at activating metabolic pathways that stimulate muscle protein synthesis, a key process for muscle hypertrophy. This means that amino acid consumption can directly influence the body's ability to build and maintain muscle mass, an undeniable advantage for strength and endurance athletes.

In addition, amino acids can also play a role in reducing mental and physical fatigue. By regulating serotonin levels in the brain, they help prevent the feeling of fatigue during prolonged exercise. This management of fatigue is crucial for athletes engaged in endurance activities, such as running or cycling, where mental performance is as important as physical performance.

Finally, amino acid supplementation can help improve recovery after exercise, by speeding up the repair of damaged tissue and reducing inflammation. This allows athletes to return to training more quickly and with less pain, optimising their training routine and overall performance.

When to take them ?

The amino acids are unique in that they are rapidly assimilated in the body. When taken before or during training, they will act against the catabolic effect and provide the body with sufficient energy. During your sports session the body needs energy. When it lacks it, it draws on amino acids which will then give you an energy boost.

Taken after your workout, they help in the repair of muscle tissue and activate gain in mass by promoting protein synthesis.

Our different amino acids

While amino acids can be found in the diet, they are also available in supplement form. Our sources of amino acids include BCAAs, L-glutamine, L-arginine and L-carnitine. Our amino acids are available in liquid, powder and capsule form. Their forms are no different from the quality of amino acids. The choice is made according to your preference of use.


The name BCAA comes from English and stands for branched chain amino acids. BCAAs make up 30% of all amino acids and are composed of the essential amino acids L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine.

The name BCAAs is derived from the English word branched chain amino acid.

- L-leucine: This is an essential amino acid important in protein synthesis and promotes muscle building. It also contributes to the rebuilding of muscle tissue.

- L-lysine: It is an essential amino acid important in protein synthesis and promotes muscle building.

- L-isoleucine: It makes energy available to the muscles. This essential branched chain amino acid also contributes tomuscle maintenance and growth.

- L-valine: It promotes protein synthesis and recovery. In addition, it is an important source of energy for muscles.

- L-valine: It is an important source of energy for muscles.

When you train, the body needs energy to produce the physical efforts you are putting it through. The body will take energy from the glycogen store, which will then become depleted. As a result, the muscles will draw on proteins because of their high amino acid content. Taking BCAAs therefore prevents the body from drawing on these reserves and thwarting muscle development.


L-glutamine is a non-essential amino acid because the body manages to synthesise it itself. It represents more than half of the amino acids present in our body. This amino acid is also found in abundance in our body but its needs can exceed its availability.


It will allow a rapid recovery after your workout where you have fatigued your body. This is because L-glutamine promotes the formation and storage of glycogen which is useful for providing energy to the body during your workout.

L-glutamine is also a powerful antioxidant.

L-glutamine also supports the process of muscle regeneration. Through its intake, it will prevent the body from drawing on protein to meet energy needs. Muscle catabolism will then be prevented. It is also very useful in the case of overtraining.


Taking L-glutamine is preferred after training where these recovery benefits can be maximised. L-glutamine can also be taken during training to avoid energy loss.


L-arginine is a non-essential amino acid. The body is therefore able to synthesise it to meet our needs. A varied and balanced diet is able to provide us with the necessary intake. However, in certain cases, it may happen that their intake is not sufficient. For example, during intense physical activity, the needs may be higher. Taking a nutritional arginine supplement can then be interesting.

L-arginine promotes the production of growth hormones which will lead to an anabolic effect. It also participates in the proper functioning of the immune system. L-arginine is a precursor in the manufacture of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a molecule that promotes anabolism and better recovery. This amino acid also allows for better blood circulation and therefore better transport of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles.

It's rapid assimilation will allow you to perform more intense workouts. L-arginine will help you increase your strength as well as your muscular mass. It is also involved in the process of creatine synthesis and therefore promotes muscle congestion. Taking L-arginine is ideal for intense strength training where it will facilitate recovery.


L-carnitine is not an amino acid as such. It is composed of lysine and methionine which are two essential amino acids. It is involved in fat burning and is ideal for people wanting to lose weight.

L-carnitine helps to transport fatty acids to the mitochondria which act as energy plants. The fatty acids will then be burned within the mitochondria. The body therefore draws on fatty acids to provide energy, thus avoiding depletion of glycogen stores which stimulate anabolism and recovery. The presence of L-carnitine in the body enhances the performance of the mitochondria which will then burn more fatty acids. L-carnitine therefore prevents the storage of fat in the body and improves endurance through the boost it provides.