Food supplements

  • Discover the benefits of BCAAs: Boost your Performance and Sports Recovery!

    Discover the benefits of BCAAs: Boost your Performance and Sports Recovery!

    BCAAs or Branched Chain Amino Acids are what are commonly known as essential amino acids, i.e. amino acids which cannot be produced by the body and which the body absolutely needs. There are 9 in all. They must come from food. Leucine, valine and isoleucine are essential amino acids, but they are also BCAAs.

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  • Everything you need to know about fat burners.

    Everything you need to know about fat burners.

    Fat burners are dietary supplements that are attracting a lot of interest, especially among those looking to lose weight. But what is a fat burner? How do they work? Are they really effective? In this article, we'll tackle all these questions objectively.

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  • Everything you need to know about creatine !

    Everything you need to know about creatine !

    Creatine is not just a 'magic pill' for athletes. Studies have shown that it can improve cognitive performance, aid muscle recovery and even support heart health. Yes, it really can be an asset to you, whether you're a top sportsman or someone who's just looking to optimise their general well-being.

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  • Amino acid, what is it ?

    Amino acid, what is it ?

    Amino acids are components of protein, a molecule that all athletes must know well! These amino acids have a very important role because our muscles and cells are composed of amino acids that maintain their structure.

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  • Collagen: An essential food supplement for your health.

    Collagen: An essential food supplement for your health.

    Collagen is a natural substance present in many parts of our body. Its benefits have been known for thousands of years. It is responsible for the cohesion of cells between them but also for the proper functioning of joints, the elasticity of the skin, its regeneration but also the health of bones and cartilage.

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  • Glutamine, what is it?

    Glutamine, what is it?

    L-glutamine, or more commonly known as Glutamine, is a non-essential amino acid found in very large quantities in the blood and muscles.

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  • Why take a night fat burner ?

    Why take a night fat burner ?

    Losing weight can be more difficult depending on your metabolism, age and lifestyle. Fat burners are among the most popular dietary supplements for weight loss for both men and women.

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  • Why take turmeric?

    Why take turmeric?

    There are hundreds and hundreds of spices with different properties and turmeric is obviously one of them! It is a spice that is generally quite well known in the food world. However, many people are unaware of the benefits it contains. In this article, we explain what turmeric is, its multiple health benefits and the different reasons to make it your ally to reach your goals!

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  • With or without supplements?

    With or without supplements?

    Now that we have laid the background for getting started, let's focus a little more on some details.

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  • Which foods boost testosterone levels ?

    Which foods boost testosterone levels ?

    Testosterone, often associated with virility, has much more to offer than you might think. It plays a crucial role in our general well-being, for both men and women. So how can you increase your testosterone levels naturally? This article is here to enlighten you.

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  • AAKG OR HMB: what are the differences?

    AAKG OR HMB: what are the differences?

    There are many dietary supplements and some are better known than others. It is important not to get lost among these dozens of supplements! So who are AAKG and HMB for? Are they really useful? What are their impacts and benefits? Which ones should you take? You will find the answers to your questions in this article!

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  • Why should I take L-Carnitine?

    Why should I take L-Carnitine?

    Towards the end of the twentieth century, L-carnitine was recognized for its various benefits. Indeed, it is during the second part of the 90s that it is finally recognized for its slimming properties and its benefits on the whole body. L-carnitine is naturally manufactured by our body. The question you are probably asking yourself is simple: should you really get it for its real usefulness or should you avoid it because it is considered outdated? In this article, you will find the answer to...

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Showing 1 to 12 of 17 (2 Pages)
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