Which protein powder to choose? Faced with the numerous ranges offered on the market, it is normal to feel lost and not know which one to turn to.
To better enlighten you, we offer our selection of the best protein powder suitable for your goals and needs, while citing the many benefits that this supplement can bring you on a daily basis.

The Role of Protein Powder
Found in many foods (meat, fish, eggs, legumes), protein is a macronutrient (a set of essential nutrients providing energy to the body in the form of calories) just like fat and carbohydrates, considered essential for the body. It actively participates in the renewal of your muscular tissues as well as your nails, hair, bones, skin and many others. It is what constitutes the majority of your cells, it is thus essential, for an iron health, to consume it in a regular way.
For an athlete, a good daily dose of proteins will be all the more important. During a physical activity, and even more so during weight training, the body will need an even higher quantity than normal to develop all your muscles. We are talking about an intake of between 1.5 and 2.5g of protein per kilo of body weight. For a person weighing 80kg, it would be advisable to consume between 120 and 200g of protein daily. The more active a person is, the greater the necessary intake will be.
It is difficult to achieve these figures based solely on his diet, it becomes very quickly necessary to consume dietary supplements, protein powder in particular, to achieve its goals.
Whey protein
The most common form, commonly referred to as "Whey protein" is a protein powder obtained from whey, or whey, derived from the milk residue obtained during the manufacture of cheese. Its quality will be judged on the basis of several criteria. Its total quantity of proteins per 100g of powder, the proportion of amino acids or its speed of assimilation in the body. The more complex and advanced the extraction and filtration process, the higher the protein content per 100g of powder.
Protein powder is therefore a key asset for any sportsman or woman wishing to increase his or her performance or for any active person wishing to integrate in a simpler and quicker way this essential macro-nutrient into his or her daily meals.
But then, which range of protein powder to choose?
The preferred choice
If you're just starting out in the world of bodybuilding and are still a little hesitant towards whether or not you need to consume protein powders or your budget is slightly tighter, the Delicious whey classic protein is for you.
With an average protein dose of 80g per 100g of powder, it's a solid partner in building your muscle mass. Beware however, the classic concentrated Whey with a slightly high lactose content, if you are intolerant it will be better for you to turn to the'isolate.
Ideal for:
Athletes, bodybuilding enthusiasts
Dry mass gain
Relatively high lactose content
The high end
If you're looking to get the most out of your shakers with the highest protein content possible, you won't miss out on Metapure Whey. Having undergone complex extraction processes and possessing an average of 91g of protein per 100g of powder, this whey isolate (a more filtered form of whey) is considered the purest protein on the market, superior to traditional whey. Provided with a significant amount of essential amino acids (BCAA) and being very easily digestible due to its very low proportion of lactose, it will be the perfect ally of athletes seeking maximum efficiency
Ideal for:
-Advanced weight trainers
-Lactose intolerant
Flavor first
You're an active person but your protein needs aren't that of a top athlete. You still want to pay attention to your health and provide your metabolism with the macros it needs to function properly. Light Digest Whey will be the replacement of choice for your breakfasts and snacks with its wide variety of flavors. Also offered in small individual packets, it will fit very easily in your bags before leaving for class or work.
Ideal for:
- Active people looking for a healthy and tasty snack
A vegan alternative
Equivalent to the Light Digest, the Vegan line is ideal for vegetarians or vegans who want to increase their daily protein intake but restricted by the large amount of whey protein available on the market.
Composed of high-quality pea and rice proteins, this 100% plant-based alternative with a variety of flavors will come in and fulfill all the functions of classic Whey, removing all traces of lactose and hypoallergens.
It will be equally ideal for advanced athletes looking for an effective plant-based alternative to traditional whey to promote muscle mass gain.
Ideal for:
- Vegetarians/Active Vegans - Vegan alternative for advanced athletes
Weight loss goal
Protein powder, often associated with muscle mass gain, is actually an ideal supplement for weight loss. The Collagen and L-Carnitine enriched formula of Skinny Protein will perfectly complement the slimming regimen of women looking for better fitness. L-carnitine's role is to tap directly into fat when your body needs energy, and collagen will come in to ensure better skin and overall health while improving the elasticity and well-being of your tissues.
Ideal for:
-Women looking for supplements for their slimming regimen
The important thing to remember is that no matter what your athletic activity and goals are, there will always be a type of protein powder that fits you, whether you're an athlete constantly looking for muscle mass or a hobbyist wanting to have a killer figure. Now you'll know which one to choose from the wide range of products available on the QNT website. Leave your preconceptions behind and go for it!